Q: Do you sell phones or tablets?
A: A resounding NO. stores.gyankovandar.com has as its primary task to provide detailed and accurate information about mobile phones and their features. While browsing stores.gyankovandar.com, you may come across links to online stores that sell phones and other electronics, but those are external entities and stores.gyankovandar.com is not affiliated with them. stores.gyankovandar.com DOES NOT sell phones or anything else and we do not endorse any particular store.
Q: Can I send you my phone for repairs or upgrades?
A: No, we do not upgrade or repair phones/tablets. We merely provide information about mobile phones.
Q: Why can’t I filter by category X in your Phone Finder?
A: Mobile technology has advanced in leaps and bounds since the inception of our site, particularly in recent years with the advent of smartphones. Many upcoming flagships strive to offer the latest and greatest to capture consumer interest, each outdoing the other with the latest tech wizardry ranging from higher quality displays and processing cores all the way to thickness and connectivity features.
With the vast quantity of new cutting-edge technology being stuffed into handsets and tablets – not to mention improved software capabilities – it is nearly impossible to offer filtering by each of the latest features into distinct categories.
Make note you can search for pretty much all features by using the ‘Free text’ field located at the bottom of our Phone Finder. Just type in your keyword and the Phone finder will show you the most popular phones containing it, in addition to any other filters you may have selected.
Q: There are some terms missing from your glossary.
A: Feel free to let us know about any mobile terms you feel could be added to our glossary. We, as well as other users like yourself who might not be familiar with the term, will thank you. You can also let us know about any glossary terms that are incorrect or could be updated. The best way to do this is by using our support email found on the Contact us page.
Q: How can I find out if a particular device will work in my country?
A: You can use our comprehensive Coverage guide, accessed from the top of our site. Once you find out which bands operate in your country, you can cross-reference them with the bands listed at the top of your chosen device’s specification page.
Q: I see that a phone has a very good rating, but it is not listed in the Top 5 on the front page. Why?
A: Only the phones listed as ‘Available’ and with more than 1000 votes are considered for inclusion on the Top 5 Phones list.
Q: I am sure that the information in your catalog for a particular device is not correct. Why is that so?
A: We gather our information mainly from the web sites of manufacturers. Some of them provide very detailed information, others not so much. In the latter case, we sometimes have to resort to other sources which are not as reliable. These include other catalogs, message boards and online stores. If you think that there is incorrect data in the catalog for your phone, please send us an email with the correct data, as well as where you found it, if possible. We thank you in advance.
Q: I like phone X very much. Where can I buy it? I was searching in different stores and no one has even heard about it. Is your information bogus?
A: Make sure to check whether your device is listed as ‘Announced’ in our specifications. It’s important to keep in mind that some of the models in our catalog are announced by manufacturers, but are not yet launched on the market, while others we have classified as rumored through other sources.
Manufacturers will sometimes give vague release timeframes for devices, and more often than not will end up not sticking to them at all. This makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to determine the exact release dates of devices very far into the future. Rest assured, however, that once news surfaces about your particular device, its status will be updated accordingly.